[Jade's Erotic Adventures 10.0] Sex Machine Page 3
But I'd spent enough time on our first date to know that I wanted another.
Getting Acquainted
After my allotted time with Juliette expired, I immediately went to the front office to meet again with Bonnie. I was completely smitten with this captivating robot and wanted more. But one-hour increments wasn't going to cut it. I wanted to take Juliette home with me, where I could get to know her on my own terms, free from prying eyes. After a brief wait in the consultation room, Bonnie entered the room and took a seat in front of me.
"How did you find the experience?" she said.
"It was wonderful. Far exceeded my expectations."
Bonnie smiled and raised an eyebrow.
"Were you able to explore all of her special features?"
I frowned at Bonnie's suggestion that sex was all Juliette was good for.
"Actually, I never even got around to that. We just talked. She's utterly fascinating. You've created an incredibly smart and responsive...companion. I definitely want to see more of her."
"Most of our clients do," Bonnie said. "They're quite irresistible. Were you interested in purchasing more visitation time with her?"
"I understand your agents are available for outcalls. I'd like to take her home with me for a while."
"Of course. Our outcall rates start at $500 per hour with a $5,000 security deposit."
I quickly did the math in my head. Even if I just kept her for one day, I'd be looking at upwards of ten thousand dollars."
"That's pretty steep, especially if I want to keep her overnight. Do you have daily rates?"
Bonnie paused for a moment then smiled.
"We might be able to make an accommodation. How does $3,500 a day sound? If you should decide to keep her, we could subtract your cumulative rental fees from the purchase price."
My mind began swimming with numbers. I knew I should probably go home and sleep on it and not make an impulsive decision, but I simply couldn't wait to have more time with this pretty redheaded robot. I wasn't ready to leap to a six-figure purchase decision, but I definitely wanted to take her out for a longer test drive.
"Would you be willing to go to $2,500 per day if I commit to at least two days?"
I couldn't believe that I was preparing to shell out five grand for a forty-eight hour rendezvous with a total stranger. But I knew that high-end call girls went for even more, and Juliette had infinitely more to offer than a simple hooker.
Bonnie paused for a moment, then nodded.
"I'll have to confirm it with my boss, but I think we can make that work. But remember that you'll be on the clock. Juliette will automatically deactivate after forty-eight hours and we'll deduct an extra $2,500 from your security deposit if you return her late."
"I understand."
"Did you have any other questions or concerns before we process the transaction?"
I stopped to ponder how it would look to my neighbors seeing a naked woman getting out of my car.
"Do you have any clothes she can put on before she leaves your facility? It will look a bit strange walking around with a naked cyborg at my side."
"Yes, of course," Bonnie said. "Our customers like to be discreet when they take our agents out in public. I'll arrange to get Juliette suitably dressed. Shall we place the new charges on your same credit card?"
After processing the payment and filling out a long waiver, Bonnie reentered the consultation room ten minutes later with Juliette. She was wearing a pretty mid-length skirt and blouse with three-inch pumps. Her shirt clung tightly to her large breasts, with her firm nipples producing two sensuous bumps in the thin fabric. Somehow, she looked even more sexy fully dressed, making her seem even more lifelike than before.
"Everything appears to be in order," Bonnie said to me, then she turned to the robot. "Juliette, are you all set for your sleepover adventure with Jade?"
"Absolutely," Juliette said. "I'm excited to show her some of my more entertaining features."
I frowned at the thinly veiled sexual references that Bonnie was making, and for a moment I considered reminding her that harassment takes many forms. But I bit my tongue and smiled at Juliette.
"Right then," I said, extending my hand to her. "Shall we?"
Juliette looked me for a moment, unsure what I meant, then she reached out and clasped my hand gently. Feeling her touch me for the first time sent an electric charge through my body. As soon as her warm fingers wrapped around my hand, my heart began beating rapidly and my palms started to sweat.
"I'll return her in forty-eight hours," I said to Bonnie, turning toward the exit.
"Enjoy!" Bonnie said, with a sly smile.
When we got into the parking lot, I pressed the remote unlock button on my key chain and my car flashed and beeped. Without thinking, I went to the driver's side to open my door, then I noticed Juliette standing awkwardly in front of the passenger door.
"Have you ever ridden in a car before?" I asked.
"This is my first time in wake mode,” she said. “In previous outcalls, I was stowed in my clients' back seat or trunk. I suppose they wanted to conserve all of their available minutes for more active types of engagement."
Poor thing, I thought. It sounds like she's been treated no better than a sex doll by her other customers.
"Well, we certainly won't have any of that with me," I said, walking over to her side of the car. "I'd like you sit up front and keep me company. We're partners now!"
I opened the passenger door and held Juliette's hand as she awkwardly squatted and leaned into the passenger seat, then I closed the door behind her and got in the driver's side. The NextGen office was crosstown from my home, so I tapped my residence address in the navigation system memory and clicked the command to start route guidance. The voice assistant confirmed my destination, then told me to turn right at the nearest side street.
"She sounds a bit like me," Juliette said, cocking her head to the side. "Is she a robot too?"
"She does have a similar lilt to her voice," I said. "I suppose she also has a form of artificial intelligence. But you're far more capable and personable than she is. What do you say we not use that term for you anymore. I prefer to think of you as my...friend."
Juliette turned her head toward me and smiled.
"I like that idea. No one's ever called me that before. My onboard dictionary defines a friend as someone connected to another with feelings of affection. Where are we going, my friend?"
"Home, Juliette," I said. "We're going home."
For the next thirty minutes, I pointed out the interesting landmarks along the way, educating Juliette about the city's unique architecture and civic features. Whenever the voice assistant prompted a change in direction, she turned her head and looked at the console screen with curiosity. When we got to my home, I pressed the remote garage door opener and parked the car in the carport then closed the door behind us. I didn't want any prying neighbors second-guessing who I was taking home this time. I helped Juliette out of the car, then opened the door to my foyer and welcomed her into my house.
"Well, this is it," I said. "This is my home. Would you like me to show you around?"
"Yes please," Juliette said. "I want to learn everything about you."
I led Juliette through my house, showing her the living room, kitchen, office, and downstairs powder room, then I led her upstairs to the living quarters. When I showed her my bedroom, she paused in front of my bed and nodded.
"This is the room where most of my clients take me for their pleasure. Would you like me to get undressed now?"
I looked at Juliette and sighed.
"Good heavens," I said. "You've never been treated like a lady, have you?"
"Lady?" Juliette said, pinching her eyebrows together. "Isn't that the same thing as a woman?"
"Not quite. It's another one of our special human expressions. A lady is a woman who—isn't only focused on the sexual aspect of her persona. She's someone who is considered
to have high moral standards and good social etiquette."
"Etiquette," Juliette said, pausing to process her memory bank for the dictionary definition. "I think I understand. Are you a lady also, Jade?"
I laughed, thinking how best to answer the loaded question.
"Most of the time, I like to think so. But there are other times—well let's just say there's an appropriate time and place to be a lady, and other times when you want to act a little bit more like a...woman."
Juliette looked at my bed then back toward me.
"Would you like us to act like women now?"
I peered into Juliette's green eyes and clasped her hand gently.
"There'll be plenty of time for that later. Why don't we ease into that in due course? There are so many other interesting things we can do."
I led Juliette into my ensuite bathroom.
"Are you waterproof?" I asked. "Sometimes it can be fun to have a shower together, or even better, a nice relaxing bath."
Juliette paused for a moment as she pondered the query.
"My shell is designed to be waterproof. I've never had a bath, unless you count the cleansings I receive from my minders after each new client encounter."
"I think you'll find this type of cleanse far more relaxing and...empowering."
I glanced at my commode and chuckled.
"I don't suppose you ever have any need for that?"
Juliette paused as she looked at the toilet, processing its function.
"I don't eliminate any waste."
"Lucky you," I said. "I suppose that means you don't eat anything either? I'd offer you something, but I suppose that's not an activity that we can share."
"No, but I know you humans get your power from consuming organic substances. I'll be happy to keep you company whenever you need to eat or void."
I choked suddenly at Juliette's comment.
"We humans generally like to be alone when we...void. But now that you mention it, I am a little hungry. Why don't you join me in the kitchen while I put something together? I can think of something else you might find interesting that we can do together."
I made myself a quick sandwich, then I threw some kernels into my popcorn machine and emptied the output into a big bowl. Then I poured myself a glass of white wine and led Juliette into my living room and turned on the TV.
"Why don't we watch a movie?" I said. "Have you ever done that before?"
Juliette watched the screen as I toggled through my Netflix favorites.
"Nothing on a big screen like this. Sometimes my clients like to watch videos on their computers or do webcam shows with me..."
I shook my head as I flicked through my watch list.
"I think you'll find this a little more relaxing. With these kinds of movies, you just sit back and enjoy."
"Is this another thing friends do together?" Juliette asked.
"Yes," I smiled. "It's something special friends like to do together."
"What kind of movies do you enjoy watching?"
I flipped through my favorites list and stopped at one I hadn't seen for a while.
"I enjoy all genres, but I have a bit of a soft spot for romantic films. This is one of my favorites. It's called An Affair to Remember, starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr."
I clicked the start button and the movie began playing. During the scene where Cary Grant strolls aboard the cruise ship and other women point and ogle at the famous character, Juliette turned to ask me a question.
"Those women seem to find this actor quite attractive. Do you find him handsome also, Jade?"
"He's Cary Grant. The very embodiment of a suave and sophisticated gentleman. What's not to like?"
I paused for a moment, watching his co-star's reaction to the excessive fawning of his shipboard fans.
"He is indeed very attractive," I said. "But I have to confess, I've always had a bit of crush on his co-star in this film, Deborah Kerr. Maybe it's just because she's a redhead like you. You're very pretty, just like her."
We continued watching the playful courtship of the two main characters as they pretended not to be interested in one another, until their first kiss at the ship's rail with the sun setting behind them.
"Why do people kiss, Jade?" Juliette suddenly asked me. "As I understand it, they don't have the same sense organs in their mouth that they do in their genitals, and they can't reach climax like they can when they touch themselves in other places."
I turned to look at Juliette and laughed. I found her naivety endearing and felt myself becoming more attracted to her with each passing moment.
"That's a good question," I said, pausing the movie with my remote. "People don't do it so much to feel physical pleasure. It's more of an emotional connection. They usually do it when they're in love. It's a special way to feel close to someone without it becoming sexual."
"Like when you want to be a lady?"
"Yes, exactly like that."
I tapped the remote to resume the movie, and Juliette watched the two actors engage in a long, passionate kiss.
"Does it feel good to kiss?" Juliette asked. "Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr certainly look like they're enjoying it."
I paused the movie again and peered over at Juliette.
"Have you never been kissed? It can be quite pleasurable—if it's done properly."
"So far, my clients have only been interested using my mouth for other purposes. Can you show me how it's done properly?"
I smiled at Juliette and placed the remote on the side table.
"It would be my pleasure, Juliette."
I leaned closer to Juliette and placed my lips gently against hers. Her lips were soft and pliable, like the rest of her skin. I closed my eyes and placed my hand behind her neck then turned my head and opened my mouth. When I opened my eyes briefly to see Juliette's reaction, her eyes were wide open. I pulled back, raising my eyebrows.
"You're supposed to close your eyes when you kiss someone," I said. "It's kind of rude to stare at your partner while she's kissing you."
"Really?" Juliette said. "But I was enjoying watching your reaction as you kissed me. I could hear your heart beating faster and feel your breath pulsing on my face."
"Well, yes—those are natural things that happen when someone is enjoying the act, but you're supposed to lose yourself in the kiss, not clinically analyze how your partner is responding to it."
"Like the actors in the movie?"
"But in the movie, their lips were closed the whole time. Your mouth was open—"
"That movie was made more than fifty years ago. The morals of the day were different back then. People weren't supposed to act so...explicit in public. Nowadays it's more acceptable to be more expressive and involve a little tongue—"
"Tongue?" Juliette said, with a puzzled expression. "I thought those were meant for other purposes. How does that work?"
"Let me show you. Now shut up and let me kiss you!"
I placed my lips on Juliette's and opened my mouth, inserting my tongue gently into her cavity. I traced it along the inside of her lips, then swirled it around her tongue. She moved her jaw up and down awkwardly, pursing her lips like she'd seen in the movie, but her tongue remained stationary. I pulled back and looked at her again for a moment.
"You can move your tongue, can't you?"
"Yes, of course. My clients like it when I—"
"Well, when you're kissing somebody, it's polite and good form to return their actions with somewhat similar actions. You don't want to just sit there and let me do all the work. Good kissing is a two-way exercise."
"It's not like lifting weights, silly. Just follow my lead and do what I do."
I leaned back in and resumed kissing Juliette, and this time her tongue became animated as it swirled and played with mine. It was moist and pliable, just like a real tongue. The lubrication didn't feel or taste like regular saliva—it was more innocuous, like water. But Juliet
te soon got the hang of it, and before long, we were kissing like passionate lovers. I could feel my pussy dampening the more I lost myself in the kiss, and when I opened my eyes this time, Juliette's were closed. After a few minutes, I pulled back and touched her face softly.
"You're a good kisser, Juliette," I said. "And a quick study."
"That means someone who's a good student and learns quickly."
"Teach me what else you like to do, Jade," Juliette said. "I like making you feel good."
I darted my eyes back and forth between each of Juliette's, trying to read her face.
"Does it feel good for you too?" I said.
"I don't feel sensations in the same way that you do. But I can sense what feels good for my clients and I'm programmed to experience this as a positive outcome. The happier I make you, the happier I feel."
"Do you feel happy now?" I asked, peering into her eyes.
"Yes, Jade. You make me very happy. I want you to teach me other ways I can please you."
"Well, I can think of a few other ways you might be able to make me…happy. Would you like to go upstairs to my bedroom now?"
"Yes. I want to feel even closer to you. But will I still be a lady?"
"Yes, Juliette. You'll always be a lady to me."
I stood up off the sofa and reached out my hand to Juliette.
"Come, I want to get closer to you also."
As I led Juliette up the stairs, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest in anticipation of feeling her touch elsewhere on my body. By the time I reached the upper landing, I realized that I'd developed a giant wet spot in the crotch of my jeans. I led her into my bedroom and paused by the foot of my bed, then slowly began to unbutton her blouse. Her large breasts swayed softly on her chest as I separated the two halves, and I leaned in and began to suck on her soft nipples.
"Does it feel good when you kiss my nipples too?" Juliette said.
"Yes, very much," I said. "I just wish you could enjoy it as much as I do."