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[Jade's Erotic Adventures 10.0] Sex Machine Page 2

  "Was there any particular part of me in which you had a special interest?"

  I paused to scan his body from head to toe. The realism of his body tone was exceptional. Unlike most silicone sex dolls which were just a smooth mass of one-dimensional plastic molding, his muscles curved and flexed as he talked, like a real person. Even his arms and legs were covered with fine hairs like a real person.

  "The whole thing is pretty impressive," I said, raising my eyebrows in appreciation. "Can you—turn around?"

  Dylan's eyes shifted to focus temporarily on Bonnie, and I saw her nod gently in my periphery.

  "Absolutely," he said, lifting and turning his feet one at a time until his backside was facing me.

  When I saw his ass, I gasped. It was as round, muscular, and firm as any professional athlete's. The muscles in his buttocks rippled as he shifted his weight from side to side. His feet were far enough apart for me to see his tight ballsac nestled between his thighs.

  "Would you like to see any other part of me?" Dylan said, with a teasing lilt in his voice.

  My panties suddenly began to dampen as a flood of hormones surged into my pussy.

  "May I?" I said, turning to Bonnie. "I mean, I know I've already paid to see Juliette, but I just—"

  "As long as he remains behind the glass, there's no charge. Are you sure you wouldn't like a private room with this one instead?"

  I paused for a moment, then remembered how turned on I'd gotten yesterday watching the female redheaded robot.

  "No," I said. "I'm just intrigued to see what he can…do."

  Bonnie smiled as she winked at me.

  "Why don't you ask him to turn around and show you?"

  I took one last look at the robot's exquisite ass then took a deep breath.

  "Dylan, please turn around so I can see your—front side," I said.

  As he turned around, his long phallus swung gently from side to side over his smooth balls.

  "Just how big can you get?" I said, salivating over his enormous cock.

  "You mean my penis?" he said. "That depends on how excited I am. Was there anything in particular you wanted to do with me?"

  I looked at Bonnie and raised my eyebrows playfully.

  "Well for starters, I wouldn't mind feeling that big stovepipe of yours in my mouth. Can you get hard for me?"

  Almost immediately, Dylan's organ began lengthening and bobbing upwards. It was already eight inches long and two inches wide at half-mast, and my pussy pulsed imagining what it would be like to have him inside me.

  "Mmm, yes," I said, watching it rise. "That's a very nice cock you have there. I'd love to suck that firehose of yours."

  As I stared at Dylan's cock continuing to rise and expand, I turned to Bonnie.

  "Can they feel anything?" I asked. "Do they experience orgasm like a regular person?"

  "They're programmed to recognize what auditory and tactile stimuli are designed make them feel good," she said. "They quickly learn what behaviors generate positive outcomes, and respond as a normal person would. Though they can't actually feel pleasure the way the rest of us do, their central processors register sexual stimuli as a 'reward.'"

  I looked back at Dylan and saw that his penis was standing straight up at a near ninety-degree-angle, bobbing sexily against his flat stomach. His fully erect cock appeared to be at least nine inches in length and almost as thick as a Coke can around. The head of his penis glistened with a translucent dewy substance, and even the color of his engorged organ had darkened, as if it was filled with blood.

  "That's mighty impressive," I said, peering at Bonnie again. "Can he actually—cum out the end?"

  Bonnie smiled and nodded at the familiar question.

  "He will indeed squirt after sufficient manipulation. Just like any man, with the right stimulation, he will reach climax."

  "Only once like a regular man?"

  "That's the difference between our cyber companions and a regular man. They can respond immediately and repeatedly, without any necessary recovery period. He's available twenty-four-seven to service your needs, whatever they may be."

  I looked at the glistening head of Marcos's throbbing cock and licked my lips unconsciously.

  "What about his ejaculate? What does it taste like?"

  "All of our models, regardless of gender, employ the same natural organic lubrication. It's a special mixture of aloe vera, shea butter, vitamin E oil, and natural citric acids. It's highly slippery, non-tacky, and completely safe internally. You can even swallow it. I think you'll find the taste quite agreeable."

  Jesus, I thought. A giant cock that rises on demand and shoots a perfect, tasty lubrication every time. Who'd want a regular man after trying one of these?

  "Would you like to give him a try?" Bonnie asked.

  I looked back at Dylan as he smiled at me slyly with his giant hard-on bobbing against his stomach. Then I reflected back to the video I saw yesterday and remembered how hard I came imagining the pretty redhead's lips wrapped around my clit.

  "Maybe another day. First, I'd like to see what special features your female models have."

  As we continued walking down the long display hall, my pussy got wetter and wetter as I ogled the pretty models lining both sides of the aisle. When we got to a transgender model, I stopped in my tracks. She had a perfect female figure with large, natural-shaped breasts and a thin waist with curvy hips, but between her legs hung another large circumcised organ similar to Dylan's. I bent down and peered between her legs, noticing that she didn't have any balls.

  "This is Christine," Bonnie said, walking up to the window. "Another one of our popular models. You noticed she doesn't have any testicles."

  "Yes," I said. "Does she—"

  "She comes equipped with both sets of fully functioning sex organs,” Bonnie said, reading my mind. “Her penis works just like Dylan's, but she also has a normal woman's genital anatomy. Our customers find she can be very versatile..."

  I scanned the model's hips looking for a hint as to what lay on the other side.

  "What about her—back side? Do all of your models come equipped with a working anus?"

  "If by working you mean penetrable, yes. And unlike most people's back doors, ours are only designed for one function. They have the same organic slippery lube that is emitted from the other openings, so they can be enjoyed in every possible way."

  Fuck me, I thought. I'd always enjoyed having my asshole licked but had been reluctant to return the favor unless I knew my partner had just bathed. With these cyber robots, I could go to town giving them a rim job whenever I wanted.

  Bonnie looked at me, unsure if I wanted to stop and experiment with some of this robot's responses as well.

  "Shall we continue?" she asked.

  I paused for a moment, reflecting back on the recent dream I'd enjoyed playing the role of a fully functioning hermaphrodite. And then I remembered the pretty princess who'd been the principal focus of my dream.

  "Yes," I said. "I'm eager to meet Juliette."

  Near the end of the hall, Bonnie stopped in front of another tall window and nodded to the figure inside.

  "This is Juliette. I'm kind of partial toward her myself. I think you chose wisely."

  I turned to face the model and gasped. She looked like a cross between Christina Hendricks, Lindsay Lohan, and Angie Everhart. But her body was all Christina Hendricks. Full-figured with firm D-cup breasts, her waist tapered then swelled to hourglass-shaped hips, supported by long, curvy legs.

  "Jesus," I exclaimed. "Whoever designs your models should be complimented. Wherever she finds her inspiration, she sure knows how to create a winner."

  "Actually," Bonnie said, "most of our models are a synthesis of real people in the public eye. We've taken the best features from the most popular models and actors, then fused them into a totally new and unique character. Does Juliette meet with your approval?"

  "Um—yes," I stammered, beginning to feel my pussy throb again.
/>   I would have given my right arm to have an opportunity to fuck any one of those public figures, and now I was about to have my way with all three of them at the same time!

  "May I have some alone time with this one?"

  Bonnie nodded and smiled at me as she swiped a pass card through the key lock reader beside the glass pane.


  She swung a door open and escorted me into a private room about twenty feet down the side hall. When I got inside, I could see what appeared to be the backside of the redheaded robot standing in front of the window by the long hall. The room was equipped with a small table with two chairs and a queen-size pedestal mattress covered in fresh linens.

  "Did you have any more questions before I leave you two alone for the next hour?" Bonnie asked.

  I looked around the room for any hidden cameras or one-way windows.

  "Do I just talk to her to wake her up? And do we have complete privacy?"

  "Yes on both counts. No one else will be watching you, besides Juliette of course, but she's equipped with special alarms to notify us if she's abused in any way. This includes physical, sexual, or verbal abuse. Just as with a real person, if we find that you are marginalizing her in any way, one of our security officers will come in and immediately end the session and you will lose your full deposit. Beyond the actual physical and psychic damage that can be inflicted on our agents, we don't wish for them to learn bad habits."

  I nodded, impressed with the organization's respect for their agents' dignity. I was beginning to think of these cyber robots more as real people with each passing moment. Just as with any animal, including humans, I knew that anybody could be trained to learn bad habits under the wrong influences.

  "I understand completely," I said. "How will I know when my hour is up?"

  Bonnie motioned to an LED display on the opposite wall.

  "The sixty-minute timer will begin as soon as I leave the room. Juliette will automatically revert to sleep mode at the end of your allotted time."

  "Thank you," I said. "I'll see you on the way out."

  Bonnie nodded, then exited the room and closed the door behind her.

  I looked at the redheaded robot facing the window and hesitated. It felt strange talking to a machine like a real person.

  "Hello, Juliette," I said.

  The robot's head tilted up, then she turned around to face me. I watched her shapely buttock muscles flex as she shifted her weight and her large breasts bobbed on her chest.

  "Good afternoon," the robot said in a silky voice. "What's your name?"

  "I'm Jade."

  I paused for a minute, unsure how to engage a robot in normal conversation.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you," I said, shaking my head at my own robotic-sounding speech.

  "Likewise. You're very pretty, Jade."

  "I bet you're programmed to say that to all the customers," I chuckled nervously.

  "Actually, I'm not," the robot said. "But I am programmed to recognize features that are widely accepted as attractive. You have large clear eyes, a slender nose, and full round lips. I'm sure you'd be considered attractive by any other human."

  I looked at the pretty robot and smiled, realizing that her designers probably applied many of the same criteria in designing her.

  "Well then," I said. "Just to be sure you're being completely truthful, what features do I have that might not be considered so attractive?"

  The robot paused for a long moment while she studied my face.

  "The left side of your chin is slightly lower than the other. Most people place a high premium on facial symmetry in assessing attractiveness. Though I personally find small flaws like these make the person more interesting to look at."

  I laughed out loud at the robot's candor. It was refreshing to talk to someone who I knew would be one hundred percent truthful at all times.

  "Well, I can't find any flaws anywhere on your body, that's for sure. And somehow I still find you thoroughly captivating."

  I paused for a moment, looking behind the robot at the glass window facing the central hallway.

  "Would you mind stepping down from the display case so I can take a closer look at you?"

  The robot took a step forward, then slowly descended the three steps into the visitation room and closed the door to the display case. As her muscles flexed and her joints bent, I carefully measured her movements. Although not entirely fluid, they were remarkably humanlike, like someone trying not to fall—which I suppose she was. Then she took three steps toward me and paused about four feet away. As she looked straight into my eyes, I peered shamelessly up and down her playboy-model-perfect figure, salivating at her sexy physique.

  Her hair was thick and shimmering, looking like it had just been washed and conditioned. She had small traces of makeup around her eyes, mostly a light dusting of hazel eye shadow to match the color of her eyes. The nipples on her breasts looked soft and natural, with a tiny indentation in the middle, just like the real thing. Her mound had a small patch of strawberry blond pubic hair, looking tantalizingly authentic. Even her skin had a natural glow and realistic appearance.

  "You're breathtaking," I said, making eye contact with her once again. "May I—"

  "Touch me?" the robot said. "I can tell from your dilated pupils and your elevated respiration rate that you're excited looking at me. Yes, I like to be touched."

  I reached out my right hand and touched her cheek, then gasped as I quickly retracted it.

  "It's—warm!" I said, hardly believing my own fingers.

  "Of course," the robot said. "I wouldn't be much fun to play with if I were cold as a clam, would I?"

  I reached out again and tentatively squeezed her breasts. Her skin felt soft and supple, and when I removed my hands I could see a faint pink glow where I had just touched them.

  "Your skin feels so realistic," I said.

  "Thank you. It's made with a special thermoplastic elastomer, which most closely resembles real human skin. Our designers go to great lengths to simulate a normal live human."

  As I soaked up the robot's full figure, I felt my pussy begin to dampen again.

  "I'd hardly say you're normal. You've got the best qualities of the most attractive people. You're more like a super-woman."

  "Thank you, Jade. I think you're very attractive as well."

  "Except for my chin, right?"

  "It's just the tiniest little imperfection. It makes you all the more adorable."

  I could feel my heart thumping in my chest and perspiration forming on my skin as I reacted viscerally to this fascinating cyber robot.

  "May I call you Juliette?" I asked.

  "Of course. I like it when our clients call me by my name. It makes me feel more...personal."

  For the first time, I began to feel awkward about standing in front of the nude model. Her use of the word 'client' suddenly made me realize what the primary purpose of the NextGen business was. I felt ashamed for fondling her like she was some kind of exhibit at the petting zoo.

  "Would you like to sit down, Juliette? Perhaps we can be more comfortable while we get to know one another better."

  Juliette nodded then sat on one of the chairs, and I pulled the other one around to sit beside her at the corner of the table.

  "Do you mind my asking? Are you always..." I paused, unsure how to broach the subject delicately. "Naked?"

  Juliette smiled at me as my gaze drifted down once again to her perfect stack.

  "Most of our customers prefer seeing me this way. I suppose with only an hour to spend, they want to get right down to business. But some of my regular customers occasionally take me home for overnight outcalls. I think they also enjoy dressing me up in strange costumes, which can be kind of fun I suppose."

  As I listened to Juliette talk, I began to feel sorry for her. Her obvious objectification by the company's customers reminded me how easy it was in the real world to be viewed purely as a sex object. Although she didn't disp
lay any obvious visual signs of distress, I could tell that she knew this was not the way normal people showed respect for a woman. Suddenly, I lost interest in experimenting with her in any sexual way. I found her utterly fascinating, almost in a childlike way, with her fresh innocence and naivety.

  "It sounds like most of your customers only have one thing in mind when they interact with you," I said. "How does that make you feel?"

  "Well, I can tell that it's very rewarding for them, and I'm programmed to maximize our customers' happiness. But sometimes I wonder what it would be like to interact with them the way regular people do. I understand that humans enjoy doing other things besides having sex all the time, like going out for dinner, or seeing a movie, or even just cuddling. It would be interesting to see how my clients would respond to me under some of those circumstances, so I could build up a more diverse bank of experiences."

  "That's a very wise insight, Juliette," I nodded. "Most people do indeed like to do other things besides have sex all the time. I'm sure it would be rewarding for both of you to stretch your wings in other ways."

  "Stretch your wings?" Juliette said with a puzzled expression.

  I smiled again at Juliette's childlike naivety.

  "It's a human expression meaning to expand your horizons—your experiences, as you say. Most people find it quite rewarding to do so."

  I sat back in my chair and crossed my legs, beginning to feel more relaxed with my new companion. Just as in any new relationship, we were starting from a blank slate, learning about each other's life experiences and wants and likes. Suddenly, I wanted to learn everything I could about this fascinating new acquaintance.

  Juliette also sat back in her chair, mimicking my body language, and as she lifted her leg to cross it over the other, I couldn't help but glance down and notice the hairless slit between her legs.

  Of course, good sex is also part of the human experience, I thought, feeling the blood rushing back into my pussy.

  I was just about to start gently exploring Juliette's sexual proclivities when she suddenly stopped moving and her eyes stared expressionless, straight ahead into space. Seconds later, a chime filled the room, and I glanced behind me at the digital clock. The display read sixty minutes. I'd been so wrapped up getting to know Juliette that I'd completely lost track of time.